Monday, October 20, 2008

It's a sad sad thing....

My camera broke. Yep. It did.

I am now unable to capture anything! Boo hoo, snik.

Of course the camera that I want to replace my old one is like, uh, 400 bucks...
That's not even a birthday present! So, for now, I will have pictureless posts and will have to rely on my amazing descriptive abilities (or not).

I have a few pics stored on my computer for future posts, so I may bless you with those from time to time.



(click on my ads! maybe I can make enough money that way!)

The Topiary Lady has moved!

The Topiary Lady has MOVED!

I'm not longer updating this blog....Come visit me on my new site at for lots of recipes, ideas, homeschooling stuff, and more!

My boys

My boys