Monday, December 8, 2008

I made a wreath!

Check out this great site! I'm linked up!

If you have sticks and an evergreen on your property, you can do this too!

Gather your greens.

I used greens from 3 different trees on my property. I think those are the only evergreen trees I have on my very wooded lot. Trees don't mind getting trimmed a bit each winter.
(A bit of overlapping of seasons, the pumpkins are still out!)

I also used some wire and a hot glue gun.

I cut some sticks to the size I wanted to make my wreath. I was going for a large rectangular look so I cut them quite big, about 3 feet by 1.5 feet. I didn't measure them with a ruler. Just eyeball it.

Overlap the corners

Take the wire and wrap it around sound it is secure.

Hot glue over the wire to re-inforce it and let it dry. It dries very quickly when it's cold outside.

Finish all the corners so you have a frame. You could also use an old frame if you didn't want to bother with the sticks.

Then take a branch and wrap wire around it to attach it to the frame.

You can also hot glue it, I found that the first branch had to be wired and then the rest could be hot-glued on top.

Mix up the greens if you have a variety.

There is no wrong way to do this.

I snipped pieces off here and there. I could have probably given it more of a haircut!
The wreath looked too big on my front door so....

I hung it on my garage

Precious had to get in the picture.

The next wreath I'm making will be a small square one to fit on the front door. Maybe I'll make two matching ones!

Best of all, it was free!

The Topiary Lady has moved!

The Topiary Lady has MOVED!

I'm not longer updating this blog....Come visit me on my new site at for lots of recipes, ideas, homeschooling stuff, and more!

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